Disneato: Getting Drunk and Talking Disney
Just some Wine-Drinking Disney Fans Talking Disney
6 years ago

Episode 6: Building Mouse Rushmore

This week Matt gave Brooke and Andrew an assignment, Create a Mount Rushmore of Disney Heads. One person spent hours trying to craft the perfect 4 headed structure and the other built 10+ random mounts based on various topics like Sidekicks, villains, heroes, princesses, etc. Who did what? Long time listeners probably already can guess! Who would be on your Mouse Rushmore!? Let us know what it is at DisNeatoPodcast@gmail.com

Theme Song Performed by Ciele

DisNeato Photo take by Jac Cottrell and Photoshopped by Yanni Hajioannou

DisNeato is Part of the Geekscape Network

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